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Picture Books for Older Readers
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From: Kimberly Bears <kimbat>
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 06:04:18 PST
I've been following the discussion and felt compelled to tell this story. I visit the classes in Londonderry on a regular basis. On one occassion, I brought with me THE LIBRARY by Sarah Stewart. If find this book to be a wonderful picture book to share with children...and adults.
I was asked to speak to the Women's Club in town to promote the opening of our new library. I brought THE LIBRARY with me, and read it to a room full of women. It was a huge success! I live by my feeling that
"you're never too old for a picture book and you're never too old to be read to."
Anyone else have any experience with using picture books with older folks? Thanks for the lively really get one thinking!
************************************************************ Kim Bears Phone: (603) 43227 Head of Children's Services Fax: (603) 437f10 Leach Library E-mail: kimbat at 276 Mammoth Road Londonderry, NH 03053
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Received on Fri 07 Nov 1997 08:04:18 AM CST
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 06:04:18 PST
I've been following the discussion and felt compelled to tell this story. I visit the classes in Londonderry on a regular basis. On one occassion, I brought with me THE LIBRARY by Sarah Stewart. If find this book to be a wonderful picture book to share with children...and adults.
I was asked to speak to the Women's Club in town to promote the opening of our new library. I brought THE LIBRARY with me, and read it to a room full of women. It was a huge success! I live by my feeling that
"you're never too old for a picture book and you're never too old to be read to."
Anyone else have any experience with using picture books with older folks? Thanks for the lively really get one thinking!
************************************************************ Kim Bears Phone: (603) 43227 Head of Children's Services Fax: (603) 437f10 Leach Library E-mail: kimbat at 276 Mammoth Road Londonderry, NH 03053
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Received on Fri 07 Nov 1997 08:04:18 AM CST