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WW II and back to WW I
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Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 19:43:24 -0500 (EST)
Having loved historical fiction as a reader (and now as a writer) this month's discussion has been tremendous. Lots of my old favorites and some new titles to read (soon!) have flashed across my screen. Thanks to all.
To the reader of After the Dancing Days the author is Margaret I. Rostkowski. And I loved that book, too. World War I fiction is much harder to find for children than WW II, it seems to me.
Another good new book I just read was Under the Shadows of Wings.
(sorry--this time I don't know the author . . .) It falls into the WW II on the homefront category, this time in Georgia. I couldn't put it down.
By the way, my favorite author of historical novels needs more "coverage" in this discussion. Katherine Paterson's book, Jacob Have I Loved, while not strictly a WW II novel, is set during that time period. Her other novels span the globe and the ages (almost). At a talk in Newton, MA, for the Foundation for Children's Books two years ago, Ms. Paterson recalled that when she began writing, everyone discouraged her from working on historical fiction--it just wouldn't sell. Goes to show . . .
Thanks again to all of the CCBC network for all the reading tips.
Lee Sullivan Hill
Received on Tue 28 Oct 1997 06:43:24 PM CST
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 19:43:24 -0500 (EST)
Having loved historical fiction as a reader (and now as a writer) this month's discussion has been tremendous. Lots of my old favorites and some new titles to read (soon!) have flashed across my screen. Thanks to all.
To the reader of After the Dancing Days the author is Margaret I. Rostkowski. And I loved that book, too. World War I fiction is much harder to find for children than WW II, it seems to me.
Another good new book I just read was Under the Shadows of Wings.
(sorry--this time I don't know the author . . .) It falls into the WW II on the homefront category, this time in Georgia. I couldn't put it down.
By the way, my favorite author of historical novels needs more "coverage" in this discussion. Katherine Paterson's book, Jacob Have I Loved, while not strictly a WW II novel, is set during that time period. Her other novels span the globe and the ages (almost). At a talk in Newton, MA, for the Foundation for Children's Books two years ago, Ms. Paterson recalled that when she began writing, everyone discouraged her from working on historical fiction--it just wouldn't sell. Goes to show . . .
Thanks again to all of the CCBC network for all the reading tips.
Lee Sullivan Hill
Received on Tue 28 Oct 1997 06:43:24 PM CST