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Lily's Crossing
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From: Bradley Earl Wendt <bewendt>
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 1997 18:01:42 -0500
Hi, this is Karen. This is my first post to the discussion. I read Lily's Crossing quite awhile ago. I looked for it to review but have not yet got it again. I don't think it was too encumbered with details, as Ginny suggested we discuss. Details such as family members off at the war, the neighbor girl (what was her name?), her brother was off to war, songs, black out curtains, Lily's make?lieve stories (lies) are some of the things that set a place for the story. What I remember most was the relationship growing between Lily and Albert. Her curiosity, taking the boat over to the neighbors house and window peeking at him was particularly fun to read. The reluctant way in which they started out their friendship was paced quite realisticly. I felt, as someone else mentioned, that the part of the story where Lily's father finds Alberts sister was somewhat contrived and had too much of a 'happy ending' feel to it. But overall, the story can be read at a quick pace and will delight the children who find it. Karen Wendt kmwendt at
At 08:57 AM 10/4/97 00, you wrote:
Received on Sat 04 Oct 1997 06:01:42 PM CDT
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 1997 18:01:42 -0500
Hi, this is Karen. This is my first post to the discussion. I read Lily's Crossing quite awhile ago. I looked for it to review but have not yet got it again. I don't think it was too encumbered with details, as Ginny suggested we discuss. Details such as family members off at the war, the neighbor girl (what was her name?), her brother was off to war, songs, black out curtains, Lily's make?lieve stories (lies) are some of the things that set a place for the story. What I remember most was the relationship growing between Lily and Albert. Her curiosity, taking the boat over to the neighbors house and window peeking at him was particularly fun to read. The reluctant way in which they started out their friendship was paced quite realisticly. I felt, as someone else mentioned, that the part of the story where Lily's father finds Alberts sister was somewhat contrived and had too much of a 'happy ending' feel to it. But overall, the story can be read at a quick pace and will delight the children who find it. Karen Wendt kmwendt at
At 08:57 AM 10/4/97 00, you wrote:
Received on Sat 04 Oct 1997 06:01:42 PM CDT