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Other WW2 Fiction
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From: Nancy Daniels <danielsa>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 09:58:22 -0500
One of my favorite WW2 books is _Rose Blanche_. This, too, is a
"picture book," but the content (a little girl's reactions to her town's occupation by German soldiers) is more advanced than the usual picture book level. When I was working in an elementary school, I used this book very successfully with 4th through 6th graders. The series by Uchido(?) about a Japanese-American family in an internment camp also presents a moving, realistic picture of a young girl's reactions to WW2. Sorry my references are so vague, but I'm writing this at work, and my books are at home.
Nancy Daniels
Received on Thu 16 Oct 1997 09:58:22 AM CDT
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 09:58:22 -0500
One of my favorite WW2 books is _Rose Blanche_. This, too, is a
"picture book," but the content (a little girl's reactions to her town's occupation by German soldiers) is more advanced than the usual picture book level. When I was working in an elementary school, I used this book very successfully with 4th through 6th graders. The series by Uchido(?) about a Japanese-American family in an internment camp also presents a moving, realistic picture of a young girl's reactions to WW2. Sorry my references are so vague, but I'm writing this at work, and my books are at home.
Nancy Daniels
Received on Thu 16 Oct 1997 09:58:22 AM CDT