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World War Two: Historical Fiction
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From: Cyrene Slegona <mantis1>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 17:47:52 -0500
About WWII books - are you asking about books such as [Stepping on the Cracks]?
I teach a unit on WWII and the Holocaust using novels. I'll be glad to share what titles I have found, I just need specific information.
Cyrene Slegona Gorham, Maine
Received on Tue 21 Oct 1997 05:47:52 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 17:47:52 -0500
About WWII books - are you asking about books such as [Stepping on the Cracks]?
I teach a unit on WWII and the Holocaust using novels. I'll be glad to share what titles I have found, I just need specific information.
Cyrene Slegona Gorham, Maine
Received on Tue 21 Oct 1997 05:47:52 PM CDT