CCBC-Net Archives

Vol. Two

From: Judith O'Malley <jomalley>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 14:58:35 -0500

Ginny- I know you're out of the office today, but Mult. Lit. 2 just arrived and I couldn't wait to thank you for it. Though I've just "dipped in" a bit, and will look through thoroughly this weekend, it looks wonderful. The choice of cover illustration, the Adoff epigraph, and especially the subject breakdown are all as wonderful as I'd expect from you and CCBC. Thank you for sending it so quickly; it will be well-thumbed very soon.

I had a lovely chat with Henrietta this morning. She is remarkable and her enthusiasm buoyed me as yours always does.

Must run quickly to have a dental crown recemented. Kathy and I have lunch with Kathleen Krull on Mon. and there's a dinner by HarperCollins for *The Red Scarf Girl* author, Ji-li Jiang that night. No time for toothless smiles!

Oops, just peaked at the resource list in ML2 and it's wonderful--not at all an afterthought as in some guides that prefer to purport they're the only reference source you need. Thanks for all the work I know well goes into such a professional publication.

Received on Fri 03 Oct 1997 02:58:35 PM CDT