CCBC-Net Archives

Historical fiction in the classroom

From: Debbie Reese <d-reese>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 15:20:34 -0500 (CDT)

At 02:47 PM 10/24/97 +0100, Margaret Denman-West wrote:

Maggie raises a valid point about learning history from historical fiction. With more and more teachers turning away from basals and using children's literature for instruction in history and social studies, I wonder how often it is the case that teachers use a novel which contains historical inaccuracies without pointing them out to the children? I don't want to sound critical of teachers, but my reading of the articles that encourage teachers to use historical fiction give little space to the need to CRITIQUE and RESEARCH the topic before using it with children. There seems to be a far greater emphasis on how the genre, with its ability to engage and captivate readers in a historical timeframe, can hook children on history.

Debbie Reese
Received on Fri 24 Oct 1997 03:20:34 PM CDT