CCBC-Net Archives

Historical Fiction

From: cindio at <cindio>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 97 10:26:31 -0500

The Striped Ships by Eloise McGraw and The King's Shadow by Elizabeth Alder are both set during the Norman conquest of England. I read both books this past year and found them fascinating. Full of details from the time period and captivating characters. Since Catherine, Called Birdy and The Midwife's Apprentice, I have had more requests from kids for books set in medieval times. These are a bit earlier but they have been well received as follow up suggestions to requests for "more books like this one!"
-------------------------------------------------------Cindi Ellen O'Connor Director of Children's Services Bedford (NH) Public Library 3 Meetinghouse Road Bedford, NH 03110 603G2#00, FAX 603G2)78 E-mail: cindio at Homepage: Date: 10/24/97 Time: 10:26:31
Received on Fri 24 Oct 1997 10:26:31 AM CDT