CCBC-Net Archives

"Common Ground" by Molly Bang

From: Diane B. Buchanan <dbuchana>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 17:31:51 -0400 (EDT)

I have to concur with Walter. I couldn't wait to get a look at the book- I teach eighth-grade language arts/reading and find Bang's books perfect for that age group. I even use her big book version of the Grey Lady and the Strawberry... to look at story structure, cause?fect and so on. I was disappointed with Common Ground for a lot of the same reasons- I felt the book was a bit condescending for my kids- the first time I passed on one of her recent books. Oh well, I still have Dawn !

Diane B. Buchanan

Diane B. Buchanan Hampton City Schools Hampton, VA dbuchana at
Received on Tue 23 Sep 1997 04:31:51 PM CDT