CCBC-Net Archives

CCBC Announcements

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:02:39 -0500

1) For anyone in the CCBC-NET community able to make use of the physical CCBC, the actual library in the heart of the University of Wisconsin Madison campus: The CCBC now has expanded and revised public service hours. We are open Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and Friday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

2) The Friends of the CCBC will hold their b-i-g fall booksale on Saturday morning, October 4, in Room 4207 Helen C. White Hall, Corner of N. Park and Observatory Drive, UW-Madison. This fantastic booksale features nearly-new hardcover and paperback children's & Y.A. books, and there are always some paperbacks, new books that duplicate books the CCBC already has, books out-of-scope for the CCBC book examination collection, and some older books no longer needed by the CCBC. (There will be a few new adult books, audiocassettes and posters, but not enough in those categories to warrent a special trip.) There may be other special new discounted books for sale, as well. Hardcover books begin at $3.00 each regardless of retail price and paperbacks are all 75 cents each. All Friends members will receive more information via postal mail. Friends members will be admitted early, and the general public will be admitted later in the morning. You may join the Friends at the door, if you wish, to take advantage of early entry. Questions? Phone either Kathy Tessmer (608/274c39) or John Roberts (608/277x61); long distance calls will be returned as collect calls in the evening or weekend. See the CCBC website ( for details on joining the Friends of the CCBC or request a Friends membership flyer
(ccbcinfo at There are student membership rates.

3) This fall, the CCBC is presenting two workshops especially designed for teachers and others working in education environments with children. Both workshops will be held in the Wis. Memorial Union on the UW-Madison campus. The workshops are: A) Selecting Best Books for Beginning Readers. Wed., Oct. 15, 8-4. The lead instructor is Margaret Jensen who will be assisted by K.T. and Ginny Moore Kruse. This workshop was presented last December and is being repeated by popular demand. Visit the CCBC website
( to see one of Margaret Jensen's splendid bibliographies, and you will begin to realize why Margaret is highly respected as an elementary school teacher and teacher of children's literature at the college level. B) Getting Ready for the Sesquicentennial: Children's Books and Other Resources. Friday, Nov. 21, 8:30-4:00. Ginny Moore Kruse will team up with Dr. Bobbie Malone, director of the Office of School Services at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, to lead this workshop aimed at finding materials related to the 1998 celebration of Wisconsin's 150th year as a state. For more information on the above workshops, contact Linda Shriberg, School of Education (shriberg at

4) The CCBC is also providing three teleconference continuing education opportunities this fall. All are planned for public librarians, school library media specialists and others interested: A) On Wisconsin: Sesquicentennial Books about the Badger State for Children and Young Teens. Sept. 25 & Oct. 9 at 4:30-5:50 p.m. C.D.T. aimed at public and school librarians and others interested B) Speak Up about Choosing and Using Books for Children and Teenagers. Lively annual interactive discussion forum with Wisconsin librarians, topics based on what participants request in advance. Thurs., Oct. 30, 4:30-6:50 p.m. C) Book Gifts for Children: The Best of 1997. Thursday, Nov. 20, 4:30-6:50 p.m. Popular annual selection of gift books discussed by Ginny Moore Kruse. This session will be of interest to all adults wanting to give books as gifts during all seasons of the year. For information about all teleconferences, contact Linda Mundt
(lemundt at

5) There's still time to register for the annual workshop New Children's Books Too Good to Miss conducted by Ginny Moore Kruse in the CCBC on the remaining four Tuesdays of September between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Contact Linda Mundt for information (lemundt at or phone 608/263D52.
************************************************** Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison 4290 Helen C. White Hall, 600 N. Park St. (Corner N. Park and Observatory Drive) Madison, WI 53706 USA
Received on Thu 04 Sep 1997 06:02:39 PM CDT