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"Common Ground" by Molly Bang
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From: Susan Lempke <71460.1037>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 20:31:00 -0400
Subtle, it's not. But I don't agree that Bang is being either heavyhanded or condescending. I think she used the fable as a hook to make the issues understandable to a *very* young audience, moving from that into a very direct and straightforward treatment of a topic the author clearly feels most passionately about. Such directness can be uncomfortable for grown-ups, but children can be pretty direct creatures themselves.
My concern was more that she gives such a truthful account of the dire predicament we face that it's depressing to look at it so clearly. Her pictures are so exquisite, though, that they both lighten the mood and inspire the reader to at least not be part of the problem, which is surely Bang's goal.
I should mention that I reviewed this title for Booklist, just so no one counts my opinion twice. :-)
--Susan Dove Lempke 71460.1037 at
Received on Tue 23 Sep 1997 07:31:00 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 20:31:00 -0400
Subtle, it's not. But I don't agree that Bang is being either heavyhanded or condescending. I think she used the fable as a hook to make the issues understandable to a *very* young audience, moving from that into a very direct and straightforward treatment of a topic the author clearly feels most passionately about. Such directness can be uncomfortable for grown-ups, but children can be pretty direct creatures themselves.
My concern was more that she gives such a truthful account of the dire predicament we face that it's depressing to look at it so clearly. Her pictures are so exquisite, though, that they both lighten the mood and inspire the reader to at least not be part of the problem, which is surely Bang's goal.
I should mention that I reviewed this title for Booklist, just so no one counts my opinion twice. :-)
--Susan Dove Lempke 71460.1037 at
Received on Tue 23 Sep 1997 07:31:00 PM CDT