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From: Rob Reid <reidra>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:01:52 -0700
I'd like to second Sue Fondrie's recommendation of Garth Nix's fantasy Gabriel. I used to read a lot of fantasy, but got bored with the genre. This book was refreshing in both concept and characterization. One of the stronger fantasy heroines since Robin McKinley's Aerin from The Hero and the Crown. Just starting Blood and Chocolate - love the title. The cover got me into a wrestling match with my 8th grader. We're kinda reading/stealing it from each other at the same time.
Rob Reid Eau Claire, WI (French for Clear Water and Deep Potholes)
Received on Fri 29 Aug 1997 12:01:52 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:01:52 -0700
I'd like to second Sue Fondrie's recommendation of Garth Nix's fantasy Gabriel. I used to read a lot of fantasy, but got bored with the genre. This book was refreshing in both concept and characterization. One of the stronger fantasy heroines since Robin McKinley's Aerin from The Hero and the Crown. Just starting Blood and Chocolate - love the title. The cover got me into a wrestling match with my 8th grader. We're kinda reading/stealing it from each other at the same time.
Rob Reid Eau Claire, WI (French for Clear Water and Deep Potholes)
Received on Fri 29 Aug 1997 12:01:52 PM CDT