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Other YA Books: Babylon Boyz

From: Steven
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:01:00 PST

Any opinions on "Babylon Boyz" by Jess Mowry? It's about three inner-city teens (14 years old I think) in Oakland. They find some drugs and struggle with the choice between getting rid of them or selling them. The characters are unusual and the dialogue is excellent. Mostly it's their point of view that's so compelling; their lack of choices and the ways they try to get beyond that. It's not perfect; I liked it less than reviews I've read. The plot is a little contrived and sometimes the author seems to hammer his own views into the characters' mouths. But still, it shows characters and a world that I haven't seen very well represented in YA literature. Maybe there are other authors like this that I'm missing? It feels more vivid and real than Walter Dean Meyers'
"Slam," for instance, though in some ways that story is told better. Mowry's other novels ("Way Past Cool" is the only one I've read) have a similar setting and also teenage characters, but they were published as adult books I think. I wonder if teens are reading them?

- Steven Engelfried, West Linn Public Library 1595 Burns Street West Linn, OR USA 97068 ph: 503e6x57 fax: 503e6'46 e-mail: steven at
Received on Thu 28 Aug 1997 07:01:00 PM CDT