CCBC-Net Archives


From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 1997 10:50:11 -0500

1) I want to thank you one more time for your comments on Classics. You demonstrated once again that there is room for a wide variety of perspectives, definitions, and appreciations within the CCBC-NET community. We anticipate that each person who "stepped up" for the first time will contribute directly again soon. We also hope you gave some of the others in this community of interest an increased confidence in using the electronic medium to share thoughts and ideas. We did not
"settle" the question. We never intended that. For me, this ongoing question has some facets, I have additional titles to consider and re-consider, and I realize anew how much a particular reading experience, i.e. *a book*, can mean to each of us - at any age or stage of life. This is what we can take to our work on behalf of children and young teenagers.

2) Consult the CCBC website ( for details about the many CCBC outreach events scheduled this fall. Especially notice that Margaret Jensen is offering her marvelous and popular workshop Selecting Best Books for Beginning Readers again this fall. Date: 10/15. On 11/21 the CCBC will offer a workshop with the State Historical Society titled Getting Ready for the Sewsquicentennial. Both workshops will be held in the Wis. Memorial Union (across the street from the CCBC) and are aimed at teachers, but all are welcome. Members of the Friends of the CCBC will receive flyers automatically. Plan to register early to make certain you have a place.

3) Alas, Molly Bang will not be in Madison on October 8 as I previously announced. We hope it will be possible to make the necessary arrangements for her visit in another year or so.

4) Chris Dowling will tell you at some point before long that he has found a way to create easier access to CCBC-NET archives. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, we want to thank Chris for all he does for the CCBC-NET community. If you've contacted him directly, you know he promptly responds and troubleshoots. He's an exemplary colleague for us all in all ways. We do not your know-how and genuine commitment to CCBC-NET for granted, Chris.

5) If you do not have your copy of On Wisconsin: Books about the Badger State for Children and Young adults (CCBC, 1997) check the website (see
#2 above) for details.

6) Late in August, it will be possible to secure your copy of the long-awaited CCBC publication Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Volume Two, 199196. Yes, check the website for that information. All members of the Friends will automatically receive a flyer with details.

7) Actually, you might want to check the website regularly, because you'll find a review of the Book of the Week (and of previous weeks), a link of the month, and continually expanded helpful information, all developed by the CCBC website manager Kathleen T. Horning.

8) If you still have not seen K.T. Horning's book From Cover to Cover
(HarperCollins, 1997 - hardcover & pbk eds.), it was most recently reviewed by Caroline Ward in Journal of Youth Services in Libraries
(Summer, 1997).

9) The Friends of the CCBC will hold their wonderful fall used booksale on Saturday morning, October 4, in Madison. There will be expanded hours for the general public, but members of the Friends are admitted early. For details, see the Friends Newsletter to be published in August, and/or - yes, later this month: check the website.

10) Although I will be seeing my e-mail from time to time between now and 8/25, but I won't be seeing it as consistently as usual. If you write to me directly, it's possible I will not respond immediately. This will be in effect only until 8/25.

11) Between 8/9-8/24 the CCBC will be closed for public service except by advance appointment. Between August 251, CCBC hours are M-F 10-4. Closed Labor Day. Expanded and different hours beginning Sept. 2: M-Th 9-7; F-S 9-4.

12) K.T. and I will see some of you at the Children's Literature New England institute at St. Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont, between 8/2 - 8/9. Megan is the CCBC person to contact next week about CCBC-NET (schliesman at, and of course you may contact her or K.T. directly any time about CCBC-NET or other CCBC matters.

Sincerely, Ginny
**************** Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Fri 01 Aug 1997 10:50:11 AM CDT