CCBC-Net Archives

Other YA books

From: Sue Fondrie <sfondrie>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 23:53:28 -0500

In response to Margaret Denman-West's endorsement of the two Phillip Pullman books, I heartily agree. Both and <The Subtle Knife> are wonderfully imaginative and so richly detailed that each deserves a second reading.

As a long-time reader of fantasy and science fiction, I'd like to mention Garth Nix's , which has one of the strongest and most interesting heroines to come along in quite a long time. I enjoyed how Nix deals with the idea of death in new and unusual ways, and I particularly appreciated Sabriel's resourcefulness.

Sue Fondrie Graduate Assistant Curriculum & Instruction UW-Madison
Received on Thu 28 Aug 1997 11:53:28 PM CDT