CCBC-Net Archives

used card catalogs!

From: Jennifer Welch <welchj>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 10:50:10 -0500

Dear CCBC members: I would like to indtroduce myself. My name is Jennifer Welch and I am a librarian in Illinois school district 204, the fastest growing district in the state of Illinois. I have been given the opportunity to open a new elementary school library this fall, choosing every book title, as well as each computer program for a model school district. The CCBC discussions have been an invaluable source of recommendations for titles I was less familiar with and I thank everyone who has contributed.

My reason for e-mailing you today, is to ask a question on behalf of my mother, a retired librarian living in Door County, Wisconsin. She began and maintains a lovely church library at the Sister Bay Baptist church, but has outgrown their card catalog drawers. They have decided not to convert to an on-line catalog due to cost considerations, and so she is seeking a 12 or 15 drawer card catalog (on its own stand) to be donated to the church. I would be willing to pick the catalog up on route to Door County in the near future. Does anyone have a catalog in very good condition that is taking up valuable storage space? Please e-mail me personally with any responses. Thanks for reading this! Jennifer Welch
Received on Sun 10 Aug 1997 10:50:10 AM CDT