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Tenderness and The Buffalo Tree
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From: Megan Schliesman <Schliesman>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:56:25 -0500
On August 7 Steven Engelfried compared Robert Cormier's Tenderness to The Buffalo Tree by Adam Rapp (Front Street), another young adult novel published this year that offers a tense, intense narrative. Steven wrote
(in part):
"... I'll just say that Sura felt like a real person to me...the two "Tenderness" characters felt like realistic characters created by an author. Maybe Cormier's approach is necessary given the story he had to tell, but it makes a different kind of book than
"Buffalo Tree." I'll think about Lori and Eric for a while, but I think I'll remember Sura foreverr."
I'm wondering what others thought about The Buffalo Tree, either as it compares to Tenderness or on its own.
Megan Schliesman Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education UW-Madison schliesman at
Received on Fri 15 Aug 1997 02:56:25 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:56:25 -0500
On August 7 Steven Engelfried compared Robert Cormier's Tenderness to The Buffalo Tree by Adam Rapp (Front Street), another young adult novel published this year that offers a tense, intense narrative. Steven wrote
(in part):
"... I'll just say that Sura felt like a real person to me...the two "Tenderness" characters felt like realistic characters created by an author. Maybe Cormier's approach is necessary given the story he had to tell, but it makes a different kind of book than
"Buffalo Tree." I'll think about Lori and Eric for a while, but I think I'll remember Sura foreverr."
I'm wondering what others thought about The Buffalo Tree, either as it compares to Tenderness or on its own.
Megan Schliesman Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education UW-Madison schliesman at
Received on Fri 15 Aug 1997 02:56:25 PM CDT