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Buffalo Tree -Reply
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From: Szvirin at <Szvirin>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 19:26:52 -0400 (EDT)
IUsually a lurker on this list, I'm happy to be able to participate this time as I've just finished the Buffalo Tree. I found the first part of the book slow and difficult, but once I got used to the language, I was sucked in. I certainly agree that the language is extraordinary. The characters evoked a visceral response from me, and I thought the bullying (a theme Rapp also dealt with in his earlier novel Missing the Piano) was very well done. I wonder about the plot though...I couldn't visualize Coly Jo's death, and I was troubled by some details that didn't seem to in the world did Sura manage to get the picture of the director's daughter out of the office. I realize that's picky...but it spoiled the ending for me. Did I miss something in the reading???
Stephanie Zvirin
Received on Wed 20 Aug 1997 06:26:52 PM CDT
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 19:26:52 -0400 (EDT)
IUsually a lurker on this list, I'm happy to be able to participate this time as I've just finished the Buffalo Tree. I found the first part of the book slow and difficult, but once I got used to the language, I was sucked in. I certainly agree that the language is extraordinary. The characters evoked a visceral response from me, and I thought the bullying (a theme Rapp also dealt with in his earlier novel Missing the Piano) was very well done. I wonder about the plot though...I couldn't visualize Coly Jo's death, and I was troubled by some details that didn't seem to in the world did Sura manage to get the picture of the director's daughter out of the office. I realize that's picky...but it spoiled the ending for me. Did I miss something in the reading???
Stephanie Zvirin
Received on Wed 20 Aug 1997 06:26:52 PM CDT