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From: Jim Maroon <jmaroon1>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 12:23:34

At 04:58 PM 8/8/97 00, Bromann wrote:

I can't imagine a YA who wouldn't get the creeps reading about his mother trailing her lips across his body. They would probably get it before many of us would.

I was uncomfortable with my personal reactions when I realized I was unconsciously rooting for Eric to beat the Lieutenant. Not for him to kill again, but for him to win. The wonderful aspect for me about this book is it humanized murderers, and whether you want to forgive them or not for it, it is still important to understand that they really aren't monsters, as old Lou kept saying. When we categorize them as beasts, we can dismiss them as completely different from us, and thus don't have to deal with that dark side of ourselves. It's a tough thing to face up to.

At first, I did too, but then I saw it as a wondeful form of justice. Kind of wish it could happen to all murderers, since their victims were punished for something they probably didn't do, either.

It certainly changed him. For the first time he felt guilt about killing his mother. Lori helped him work through his feelings, made him feel, period. And she showed him that tenderness could be experienced without killing.

Maroon jmaroon1 at The Storytelling Home Page:
Received on Mon 11 Aug 1997 12:23:34 PM CDT