CCBC-Net Archives


From: Fred Henry <fhenry>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 16:24:45 -0500

First my votes on some works already mentioned: My Father's Dragon, Roller Skates, Homer Price, Wrinkle in Time, and the Chronicles of Prydain are on my classics list. I like the Bronze Bow, but I will re-read it. Waterless mountain - my brother teaches Navajo and Hopi children in AZ; he re-read it for me and objected only to a character bragging about an achievement. He emphasized that it took place 75 years ago, and things have changed, but the culture was well presented. Hitty - I want to like the book, because I like the concept of the hand-crafted doll, the travel, the history, and the adventure, but I can't recommend it to my students because of the flaws. Now my nominations: Many Moons - After hearing me read it at lunch hour, a fourth grade non-reader dragged his teacher to the library to get the book so she could read it to him again. One of my best librarian memories. Lois Lenski's "Little" books. Every week when the pre-schoolers leave, these tiny books from the 30's and 40's are off the shelves. I use the airplane, sailboat, and auto titles with their transportation unit. (I do avoid the mom-in-the-kitchen titles.) And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street - my all time favorite Dr. Seuss.

Jean Ducat, librarian, Woodlands School, Milwaukee.
Received on Thu 17 Jul 1997 04:24:45 PM CDT