CCBC-Net Archives

Going on vacation? or how to place CCBC-NET on hold

From: Chris Dowling <cdowling>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 08:44:13 -0500


Have you ever dreaded returning from vacation to a flood of e-mail messages? Avoid the flood (and the dread) by setting your subscription to NOMAIL before you leave. This setting stops the delivery of messages yet keeps you officially subscribed to the CCBC-NET. After a well?served break, reverse the setting to MAIL and reestablish normal delivery.

To put the CCBC-NET on hold, send an e-mail message with the following header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: set ccbc-net nomail

The listserv responds with the following confirmation...

 | Your status update has been received pertaining to the following list: |
 | |
 | ccbc-net |
 | Mail has been turned off for your subscription |

To reestablish delivery of CCBC-NET messages, send an e-mail message with this header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: set ccbc-net mail

After changing your settings to MAIL, the listserv responds with...

 | Your status update has been received pertaining to the following list: |
 | |
 | ccbc-net |
 | Mail has been turned on for your subscription |

Enjoy your vacation! Chris
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Dowling 1025 W. Johnson Street Manager, Madison, WI 53706 School of Education Computer lab (608) 263C39--voice (608) 262d47-?X
Received on Tue 15 Jul 1997 08:44:13 AM CDT