CCBC-Net Archives

Bronze Bow

From: Dr. Ruth I. Gordon <druthgo>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 17:46:39 -0700

Dear CCBC: Anent, "The Bronze Bow." I recall being insulted and unhappy with that book and its very Christian take on Judaism. Now, having re-read it, I am once again insulted. My original annotation in 1966(?) had a sentence in it to the effect, "Tough bananas, Daniel, that'll certainly end Jewish history as it was."--something like that. Nope--not an acceptable book for me. Then again, I often wondered if its author realized other point of view in any of her 3-4? books.

Did no one at the pre conference have any objection of the book? or was it a unanimous choice of the group(s) discussing it?


================="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Tue 08 Jul 1997 07:46:39 PM CDT