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Definition of a classic
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From: Megan McGuire <mmcguire>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 01:29:21 -0500
Hi, all!
I haven't really participated in these discussions, but I have luked a little out of interest. Katy's question about how we define a classic is an interesting one. This year I had a teacher assign a "classic" book report near the end of the year. It was interesting that our definition of a classic was decidedly different. What suprised me is this woman is very "avant gaurd" in many aspects of her life, but she strictly defined a classic as things like "David Copperfield" and "Oliver Twist." She begrudingly accepted titles like "Charlotte's Web," but I could tell she was mystified by some of the books I recommended to her students. She sent a child who had checked out, "A Wrinkle in Time" back to get a
"real" classic. I was amused, but confused. We just don't have that much Charles Dickens in our collection.
Megan McGuire mmcguire at
Received on Wed 16 Jul 1997 01:29:21 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 01:29:21 -0500
Hi, all!
I haven't really participated in these discussions, but I have luked a little out of interest. Katy's question about how we define a classic is an interesting one. This year I had a teacher assign a "classic" book report near the end of the year. It was interesting that our definition of a classic was decidedly different. What suprised me is this woman is very "avant gaurd" in many aspects of her life, but she strictly defined a classic as things like "David Copperfield" and "Oliver Twist." She begrudingly accepted titles like "Charlotte's Web," but I could tell she was mystified by some of the books I recommended to her students. She sent a child who had checked out, "A Wrinkle in Time" back to get a
"real" classic. I was amused, but confused. We just don't have that much Charles Dickens in our collection.
Megan McGuire mmcguire at
Received on Wed 16 Jul 1997 01:29:21 AM CDT