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Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 08:55:40 -0400
not to mention the question, is it relevant?
A small story. This last year I dragged my Sunday School class (the teens) kicking and screaming through the 23rd Psalm, which I made them, get this, memorize. We did a number of other things in the class as well. Then at the end of the year, I asked them what they got the most out of. One kid said it was "that poem" because "I finally understood the rap song where they talk about the valley of the shadow of death."
Received on Mon 28 Jul 1997 07:55:40 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 08:55:40 -0400
not to mention the question, is it relevant?
A small story. This last year I dragged my Sunday School class (the teens) kicking and screaming through the 23rd Psalm, which I made them, get this, memorize. We did a number of other things in the class as well. Then at the end of the year, I asked them what they got the most out of. One kid said it was "that poem" because "I finally understood the rap song where they talk about the valley of the shadow of death."
Received on Mon 28 Jul 1997 07:55:40 AM CDT