CCBC-Net Archives

blueberries for sal, etc.

From: Judith Furash <jfurash>
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 00:13:47 -0400 (EDT)

I have always loved Blueberries for Sal since my mother read it to me in the 1950's and I certainly agree that it remains a classic today. One Newbery book that I remembering loving at least since library school ( I have to admit to not remembering if I read it as a child) is Twenty-One Balloons, by William Pene DuBois. I recommend it to children today who seem ready for a special involving read and many times I have had parents tell me that their child who doesn't easily find a book that grips them, really loved the adventure and inventiveness in it. I do have to admit though that I myself have not read it recently. Another classic that also still speaks to many children is My Side of the Mountain, by George. I think her successful sequel of a few years ago has also revived the original for many.

Judith Furash, Children's Librarian Wheaton Regional Library Montgomery County Department of Public Libraries Wheaton, MD 20902 jfurash at
Received on Fri 11 Jul 1997 11:13:47 PM CDT