CCBC-Net Archives

Lost message from Michele Missner

From: Chris Dowling <cdowling>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 08:45:30 -0500

Here is a message that was recently lost in the shuffle. Regards, Chris
>I remember the Charlotte Zolotow books from when I first started working
>as a children's librarian, and when my children were small. william's
>Doll probably strikes the biggest note with me as it was published, I
>when the women's movement was first beginning to make strides. I was
>impressed with the fact that someone would write a book for boys about
>having a doll and with very good reasons why they should have dolls. did
>it first come out in the _Free to be you and me_ collection? We had the
>book and recording. I bought my son a doll and he did not take to it.
>But then, my daughter never liked dolls either!!
>At the time I was bothered by some of her books which were so open in
>their emotions like _The hating book_ and the one about the little boy who
>idealized the father he doesn't have. In retrospect, they are probably
>very honest books and clearly reflect how people often feel in the
>situations depicted whether or not the emotions are overtly displayed.
>Michele Missner
>Michele W. Missner,

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Dowling 1025 W. Johnson Street Manager, Madison, WI 53706 School of Education Computer lab (608) 263C39--voice (608) 262d47-?X
Received on Fri 27 Jun 1997 08:45:30 AM CDT