CCBC-Net Archives


From: Eliza T. Dresang <edresang>
Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 00:36:21 -0500

Congratulations to Ginny Moore Kruse and the CCBC who have been jointly honored with a national award recognizing their long term contribution to intellectual freedom!!! (Ginny tells me the full amounts of the cash awards will be given to the CCBC Intellectual Freedom Service). Following is the official news release from ALA which I just received on the Council listserv.

1997 AASL/SIRS Intellectual Freedom Award recipient announced

Ginny Moore Kruse and the Cooperative Children's Book Center of Wisconsin are the winners of the 1997 AASL/SIRS Intellectual Freedom Award, presented by the American Association of School Librarians

The award, $2,000 to the individual, and $1,000 to the media center of the recipient's choice, donated by SIRS, Inc., recognizes a personal member of AASL who has upheld the principles of intellectual freedom.

The selection committee noted that 1997 was an especially significant year to honor Kruse because this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Cooperative Children's Book Center's Intellectual Freedom Services of which Kruse was the founder.

Pat Scales, chair of the AASL selection committee, said the committee recognized Kruse because "she has dedicated most of her professional career to the mission of promoting intellectual freedom in a positive way by dealing with issues before the censors strike."

The award will be presented at the AASL Awards Luncheon in San Francisco, Monday, June 30, during the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference.

Applications for the 1998 AASL Intellectual Freedom Award will be available at the conference,by calling 800T5$33, ext. 4384 or sending an e-mail request to aasl at

AASL is a division of the American Library Association.

Eliza T. Dresang Phone: 904 644 5877 (w) Associate Professor Phone: 904 224 1637 (h) School of Information Studies FAX: 904 644 9763 (w) Florida State University E-mail edresang at Tallahassee, Florida 32306 48
Received on Sat 10 May 1997 12:36:21 AM CDT