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Paul Fleischman
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From: Steven <steven>
Date: Thu, 29 May 97 08:59:51 -0700
I agree with the praise Paul Fleischman has been getting for his innovative approach to children's literature, but my favorite of his books is a good old fashioned regular story: "The Half-a-Moon Inn." It's a simple premise
(boy lost in the woods held prisoner by a witch), but with all kinds of unique elements. Miss Grackle is a true villain, evil and clever, who looks into the dreams of the customers and needs someone honest to light the magic fire at her inn. Aaron is mute, so can't ask anyone for help, but comes up with resourceful ways to try to escape. I like to recommend it to kids who want spooky is suspenseful, but the characters, language, and plot twists make it especially memorable (and all in 88 pages).
Steven Engelfried, West Linn Public Library 1595 Burns Street West Linn, OR 97068 phone: 503e6x57 fax: 503e6'46 email: steven at
Received on Thu 29 May 1997 10:59:51 AM CDT
Date: Thu, 29 May 97 08:59:51 -0700
I agree with the praise Paul Fleischman has been getting for his innovative approach to children's literature, but my favorite of his books is a good old fashioned regular story: "The Half-a-Moon Inn." It's a simple premise
(boy lost in the woods held prisoner by a witch), but with all kinds of unique elements. Miss Grackle is a true villain, evil and clever, who looks into the dreams of the customers and needs someone honest to light the magic fire at her inn. Aaron is mute, so can't ask anyone for help, but comes up with resourceful ways to try to escape. I like to recommend it to kids who want spooky is suspenseful, but the characters, language, and plot twists make it especially memorable (and all in 88 pages).
Steven Engelfried, West Linn Public Library 1595 Burns Street West Linn, OR 97068 phone: 503e6x57 fax: 503e6'46 email: steven at
Received on Thu 29 May 1997 10:59:51 AM CDT