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Paul Fleischman

From: Wayne Pferdehirt <wppferde>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 18:44:34 -0500

Paul Fleischman. I just finished reading Bull Run. Fleischman is a new writer to me. He is stunningly, marvelously good! Some quotes: " Minnesota is flat as a cracker. Rise up on your toes and you can see across the state"...".I was eleven years old and desperate to kill a Yankee before the supply ran out"...."My heart fell like a bucket in a well." and "I was jump-stomached all day, wonderin' who was winning."

His writing seems full of quick, economic images that sparkle. No wasted words. In Bull Run he manages to create a story of many vignettes, multiple points of view, and complex, although briefly glimpsed characters. I found myself wishing each character could have his or her own book!

What a find! I can't wait to check out the next book. I remember hearing his name for Graven Images, a Newbery Honor book, I believe, but somehow missed picking it up. My loss!

Ya'll out there, don't miss this wonderful writer.

Julia Pferdehirt
Received on Sat 26 Apr 1997 06:44:34 PM CDT