CCBC-Net Archives

Michael Dorris

From: Shelby Wolf <wolfs>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 14:43:35 -0600 (MDT)

I want to thank Ron Green and Violet Harris for bringing this sad news to the net. I only heard the news a day ago when a friend brought me a newspaper clipping that recounted the heartache that may have motivated his suicide.

Dorris and his wife Louise have always been an inspiration to me. Their writing both individually and together (The Crown of Columbus) is both humorous and poignant. And both have the capacity to craft reality and spirituality in ethereal combination. Just read Erdrich's recent novel Tales of Burning Love if you want to see it all come together.

To think that the children's book world will not benefit from further insights from Dorris is a tragedy. I teach Guests in my preservice teachers' class and inspired by this, many students have gone on to read Morning Girl and Sees Behind Trees. I have always admired the subtle shaping of the Native American tales within the larger narrative--especially the tale of Can't Say No and Never Enough in "How the People Lost Each Other." A part of the dedication Dorris uses in Guests talks about his wife Louise, "who, as ever, turned the key." It is a dedication that has stayed with me over the years. Dorris, too, knew how to turn the key and the fact that this door is now closed is heartbreaking indeed.

Shelby Wolf

Shelby A. Wolf Home: University of Colorado at Boulder 5579 Mesa Top Court School of Education Boulder, CO 80301 124 Education Building Campus Box 249 (303) 581?46 Boulder, CO 8030949 (303) 581w88 (FAX)
(303) 492?60 wolfs at
Received on Thu 17 Apr 1997 03:43:35 PM CDT