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Books Reflecting Radical Change

From: William Teale <wteale>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 13:53:22 -0600

I'm intrigued by this idea of radical change and I'm also somewhat puzzled. I'd be interested to hear about two things:

1. What is it that ED and KMc see as holding each of the three Types of Change together. That is, what is the difference between Type 1 and Type 3, for instance. I can see some patterns, but then I also see individual characteristics for each of the Types that don't seem to me to fit with the other characteristics.

2. Is this radical change construed as something new? It would be interesting, for example, to compile a list of children's books published 20 or 50 years ago that
        -Offer the possibility of reading interactively in a variety of ways
        -Encourage the reader to make connections for him/herself
        -Have multiple layers of meaning
        etc. So what is really radical change that is new (historically considered) and what is just radical, no matter what the era?

William H. Teale College of Education (M/C 147) University of Illinois at Chicago 1040 West Harrison Chicago, IL 60607q33 U. S. A. Phone: (312) 996 4669 FAX: (312) 413 8083
Received on Thu 10 Apr 1997 02:53:22 PM CDT