CCBC-Net Archives


From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 16:19:00 -600

Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us, Debbie. The published New York Times articles feature sensational aspects of Michael Dorris' final months of life on earth. His contributions to children, teenagers and adults who read his books are what many in the CCBC-NET community are interested. Although CCBC-NET cannot always fully recognize all of the fine writers whose deaths stun us poets such as David McCord who also died this month, along with the poets Barbara Juster Esbensen and Myra Cohn Livingston who died within the past several months - we do want to be able to locate the tributes that assist us to understand even more about them through their literature - their published legacy for all readers. Thanks, once again. Sincerely, Ginny Moore Kruse
(gmkruse at Good morning The Native Authors Web site posted a tribute to Michael Dorris, written by Joseph Bruchac. The URL is below.

Debbie Reese
Received on Sun 20 Apr 1997 05:19:00 PM CDT