CCBC-Net Archives


From: Vivian Johnson <v2johnson>
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 22:35:48 +0000

Hi everyone!

I'm a new member to this listserv and looking forward to great dialogue with fellow netters. I'm currently working on my dissertation proposal which in on the portrayal of the African American family in picture books over three decades.

Right now I'm taking a break because, between teaching 7/8 grade all day, co-teaching a graduate level children's lit class, taking a research class and writing this proposal, I am about to loose my mind and anybody else's that will let me borrow theirs.

I will be teaching Storytelling and Creative Dramatics next semester, so if anyone has any great ideas you are will to share with me please do. I always give folx credit for their suggestions, especially if it's from the internet.

RE: Homelessness

Walter Dean Myers's Moondance, Nagasaki Nights and Me. I believe that is the title. It is a story about a baseball team that is a mixture of boys and girls, several are older adoptees. One of the team members, the best hitter is homeless, but the others don't know it until a couple follow him one day. They tell their father and the boy gets put into a children's shelter. He's angry at them and doesn't want to play in the big game. It's for middle grade students and most of mine who have read it really enjoyed it.

Look forward to conversing with y'all.

Vycki Johnson Doctoral Program Reading and Language Arts/Children's Literature Oakland University Rochester, MI
Received on Sat 05 Apr 1997 04:35:48 PM CST