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teacher's censoring books
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From: Royal Oaks LMC <rolmc>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 19:01:45 -0600
Some of our 5th grade teachers are resisting teaching the following trade books that were selected for their grade level by a district reading committee, fifth grade teachers.
Let the circle be unbroken Amos Fortune Freeman The fighting ground Maniac Magee
They cited language such as "And you ain't got to worry bout me invading your pisshole." , "I'm freezing my cochangos off", McNab's wizz probably would last longer than a regutlar kid's."
They say that even the students object to the language.
I got a copy of the memo that went to the reading coordinator and superintendent. I can hardly stand the fact that these teachers are doing this blatant censorship. I don't what to say or how to say it. I know that many of those titles are award winners. Any help, citations, words of wisdom would be appreciated.
Pat Wende
Received on Sun 23 Mar 1997 07:01:45 PM CST
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 19:01:45 -0600
Some of our 5th grade teachers are resisting teaching the following trade books that were selected for their grade level by a district reading committee, fifth grade teachers.
Let the circle be unbroken Amos Fortune Freeman The fighting ground Maniac Magee
They cited language such as "And you ain't got to worry bout me invading your pisshole." , "I'm freezing my cochangos off", McNab's wizz probably would last longer than a regutlar kid's."
They say that even the students object to the language.
I got a copy of the memo that went to the reading coordinator and superintendent. I can hardly stand the fact that these teachers are doing this blatant censorship. I don't what to say or how to say it. I know that many of those titles are award winners. Any help, citations, words of wisdom would be appreciated.
Pat Wende
Received on Sun 23 Mar 1997 07:01:45 PM CST