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Newberys and Caldecotts

From: Ronald F. Green <greenrf>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 11:15:55 -0600 (CST)

Thanks too, Rob for the pep talk. It gives me some pleasure in being able to say that I got to read Belle Prater before you did. Great novel. Strong characters.

But on to CCBC business: I attended the Rhinelander Conference a week ago at the Holiday Inn which was referred to by Kathleen in her Mar. 17 note. Great conference. Kathleen and Ginny have been presenting the most recent CCBC choices for now going on ten years, I think and K and G bring enough CCBC books with them to Rhinelander to please the most avid reader. One simply runs out out of time. Urge others, certainly those in the Rhinelander area to consider this conference in 1998.

Just recently read Speaking Out by Kuklin. It's on the recommended reading list for the forthcoming CCBC conference. Great book, by Susan Kuklin, nonfiction. It should be a great discussion book.

Also just finished The Thief by Turner, a Newbery Honor. Don't know how to classify, fantasy, historical fiction, or what and haven't decided yet if is is allegorical. I found the first half of the novel to be a bit ponderous and then when Gen, the magus and the others on the quest for Hamiathe's Gift find it and find themselves in danger when traveling though unfriendly Attolia, the novel, for me became compelling. It's a novel that requires a second read. I would be interested in other folks comments.

Thanks Ron Green greenrf at
Received on Mon 17 Mar 1997 11:15:55 AM CST