CCBC-Net Archives

Caldecott Award

From: Margaret Denman-West <maggie>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 20:57:41 +0100

Re: Kathy's comments. I am one of those who can't locate a copy of the Golem book. All the local libraries have it "on order". Since I had a chance to get to know David W. soon after his first books was published (I was in Maryland then-his home State) I was an early-on fan of his. He is a delightful person and so generous with his time. He loves sharing with children - much more than having to talk with adults. (Or at least that was his response 5 or 6 years ago).

I have read Konigsburg's "View...". At first I had some doubts, but as I
"opened my mind" and read on, I enjoyed it. Both of my grandaughter, 10 and 12, enjoyed it also. They had read it before the award was announced. ELK is a very intelligent writer. She always provides opportunities for her readers to "think about what is happening." I applaud her honor and feel it is deserved.

Margaret (Maggie) Denman-West Cleveland, OH
Received on Mon 17 Mar 1997 01:57:41 PM CST