CCBC-Net Archives

Caldecott Award

From: Anne C Oelke <acoelke>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:39:38 -0600

I agree with Kathleen that many of the Caldecott award and honor books are not necessarily for preschoolers. This week our elementary students are voting for the Golden Archer Award (a Wisconsin award chosen by children). The first graders did not vote for "Smoky Night", but the multiage Gr. 2-3 chose it overwhelmingly. The students themselves felt that it was more their level, not for Gr. 1 or Kindergarten.

I'm among those who haven't gotten their hands on "Golem" yet.

Anne Oelke | "Some days are like that, acoelke at | even in Australia!" Cambria-Friesland School Dst. | Judith Viorst in _Alexander Cambria, WI 53923 | & the Terrible, Horrible,
                                                           | No Good, Very Bad Day_.
Received on Mon 17 Mar 1997 05:39:38 PM CST