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From: Anne C Oelke <acoelke>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 19:49:04 -0600
Dear Ann-Marie & Karen,
If you would give me your instructor's e-mail, I would be happy to help provide an appropriate list of listserves for education students. CCBC-Net is set up to be a discussion group on children's literature. If you lurk, you will soon see that the discussion is limited to a specific topic each month. It is not a list for general questions etc. There are other lists that serve that function. I'm sorry that your instructor misled you and your classmates about CCBC. For that reason, I would appreciate the opportunity to help your instructor give you more guidance. I would not want to see any of you getting flamed for posting off-topic questions on a listserv. It is a very good idea to lurk for at least 2 weeks before posting anything. If you have a question about whether a post is appropriate, you should send private e-mail to the list owner or to someone active on the list before posting. Usually there are many members willing to act as a mentor but most do not wish to have posts that are off topic.
Another thing that your instructor may wish to cover: signatures. Most e-mail programs have a method by which you can include a signature such as mine below. It is an excellent idea to have a short but informative signature that is attached to each e-mail. This needs to include your e-mail address so others may respond to you off-list.
If it seems strange that lists are so "protective" of their rules, just consider that many of us on these lists belong to several lists dealing with our professional responsibilities. It is not unusual for me to download over 200 messages/day. For this reason, the postings need to be pertinent and clearly labeled in the subject heading. Otherwise, the load becomes unmanageable.
Anne Oelke | "Some days are like that, acoelke at | even in Australia!" Cambria-Friesland School Dst. | Judith Viorst in _Alexander Cambria, WI | & the Terrible, Horrible,
| No Good, Very Bad Day_.
Received on Mon 10 Feb 1997 07:49:04 PM CST
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 19:49:04 -0600
Dear Ann-Marie & Karen,
If you would give me your instructor's e-mail, I would be happy to help provide an appropriate list of listserves for education students. CCBC-Net is set up to be a discussion group on children's literature. If you lurk, you will soon see that the discussion is limited to a specific topic each month. It is not a list for general questions etc. There are other lists that serve that function. I'm sorry that your instructor misled you and your classmates about CCBC. For that reason, I would appreciate the opportunity to help your instructor give you more guidance. I would not want to see any of you getting flamed for posting off-topic questions on a listserv. It is a very good idea to lurk for at least 2 weeks before posting anything. If you have a question about whether a post is appropriate, you should send private e-mail to the list owner or to someone active on the list before posting. Usually there are many members willing to act as a mentor but most do not wish to have posts that are off topic.
Another thing that your instructor may wish to cover: signatures. Most e-mail programs have a method by which you can include a signature such as mine below. It is an excellent idea to have a short but informative signature that is attached to each e-mail. This needs to include your e-mail address so others may respond to you off-list.
If it seems strange that lists are so "protective" of their rules, just consider that many of us on these lists belong to several lists dealing with our professional responsibilities. It is not unusual for me to download over 200 messages/day. For this reason, the postings need to be pertinent and clearly labeled in the subject heading. Otherwise, the load becomes unmanageable.
Anne Oelke | "Some days are like that, acoelke at | even in Australia!" Cambria-Friesland School Dst. | Judith Viorst in _Alexander Cambria, WI | & the Terrible, Horrible,
| No Good, Very Bad Day_.
Received on Mon 10 Feb 1997 07:49:04 PM CST