CCBC-Net Archives

Reference Set for US States for student fair

From: Rib Lake Lib. <riblakpl>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 13:19:42 -0600 (CST)

Dear Ginny & CCBC subscribers:

I am searching for a reference set of either pb or library bound books for Grades 4-8 on the individual states of the United States of America. Our small public library has a limited book budget, and we would like to purchase the best for the buck, around $350.00??!!

We have looked over Hello USA by Lerner; Discovering America series and have selected the CD-ROM product America Alive. As this fair with a social studies theme comes up every three years, and each student must pick some aspect of a single state assigned to them, and their media center resources are limited to encyclopedias and a few books of individual states, we need high quality content for one time use. Parents and children still rely heavily on the book format, at this level.

Your advice is greatly appreciated as well as addresses, 800 numbers of sources.

Mary Hebda, Co-Director

Mary Hebda and Aimee Hein, Co-Directors Rib Lake Public Library Landall & Pearl Streets Rib Lake, WI 5447088 715B7W69 FAX: 715B7S68 email: riblakpl at
Received on Sat 22 Feb 1997 01:19:42 PM CST