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Oregon's Caldecott Discussion Results

From: Ellen Fader <ellenf>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 13:50:48 -0800 (PST)

On Saturday, January 11, 1997, the Oregon State Library and the Oregon Library Association Children's Services Division cosponsored a Mock Caldecott Discussion. Workshop leader Ellen Fader presented background about the Caldecott Medal, impressions of what it is like being part of an ALA award committee, and a review of the Caldecott award criteria. The twenty individuals attending then divided into discussion groups to read and discuss 23 picture books published in 1996 that might be contenders for the 1997 Caldecott Medal. The large group balloted at the end of the workshop and chose the following:

Caldecott Medal (tie) to Jim LaMarche for _Grandmother's Pigeon_ by Louise Erdrich and Pierr Morgan for _The Squiggle_ by Carole Schaefer. Honor Books: Kevin Hawkes for _My Little Sister Ate One Hare_ by Bill Grossman, David Diaz for _Wilma Unlimited_ by Kathleen Krull, and Ted Lewin for

Of course, if the real Caldecott Committee was voting, they would not leave things with a tie. They would continue discussion and reballot, until they arrived at a clear winner.

Thanks for everyone's input on titles they placed on lists for their local discussions, which helped me compile my list of books. Now it is sit back and wait time until February 17, 1997.

Ellen G. Fader Youth Services Coordinator Multnomah County Library 205 NE Russell Portland, OR 97212796
(503) 248T08 ellenf at
Received on Tue 14 Jan 1997 03:50:48 PM CST