CCBC-Net Archives

Number the Stars

Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:39:53 -0400 (EDT)

I have no idea if anyone has ever talked to Lois Lowry about the connections you allude to, but I would really like to hear what common thread you see them dealing with and why The Giver might be an unacceptable story.

And, while I am writing, I was thinking about the comments about how children respond to Number the Stars without knowledge of the Holocaust. I remember Marie McSwigan's Snow Treasure having a similar effect on me (and I am not saying the books are of the same quality because I have such vague recollections of Snow Treasure that i could not compare). After reading that I was more aware of war in children's lives.

Susan Griffith Lesley College Cambridge, Massacusetts
Received on Thu 16 Jan 1997 01:39:53 PM CST