CCBC-Net Archives

Your Favorites?

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 15:58:00 -600

Mark/Pat Manske & Lois' query about Death as a Theme/Topic in Children's Books reminds me to ask you to respond to them directly on a one-to-one basis with your suggestions for Lois' paper. I hope she has seen the latest edition of the reference book Coping with Separation and Loss (R.R. Bowker) by Masha Rudman et al.
     Their query also prompts me to invite everyone's remarks to the CCBC-NET community about your favorite books of the year and why. This will be the focus of our December discussion, although if you continue to have thoughts about Science Literature for everyone, please share those with us all, too.
     Which books published during 1996 do you recommend to each other professionally? as gifts for children in our lives? as contenders for specific awards? From your perspective, which new books of the year have you read lately that belong on a "best of the year" list? Let's hear from lots of people out there. Yes, this means y-o-u! Sincerely, Ginny
************************************************************* Ginny Moore Kruse, Director (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison 4290 Helen C. White Hall, 600 N. Park St. Madison, WI 53706 USA
Received on Mon 02 Dec 1996 03:58:00 PM CST