CCBC-Net Archives


From: Chris Dowling <cdowling>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 19:19:14 -0600

Hello Everyone,

Please accept my apologies for the 8 identical messages sent between 11:30am and 3:00pm today (Monday, December 30th). The messages had a subject of
"NDN: Re: books for a very special group -Reply" and the message began
"Sorry. Your message could not..."

I believe this repeated sending occured because there was a breakdown in protocol between mail servers on the Internet. Normally, poorly?dressed messages are returned to the POSTMASTER of the mail server that sent the message. Today, the poorly?dressed message was returned to the listserver, and the listserver dutifully sent it to everyone on the CCBC-NET list.

Two actions have been taken to resolve the problem. First, the poorly-formed e-mail address was removed from the CCBC-NET list. Second, the POSTMASTER that "bounced" the poorly?dressed messages back to the CCBC-NET list has been sent an explanation via e-mail. With this person's cooperation the problem shouldn't reoccur.

Again, thanks for your patience and understanding. Happy Holidays!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Dowling 1025 W. Johnson Street Manager, Madison, WI 53706 School of Education Computer lab (608) 263C39--voice (608) 262d47-?X
Received on Mon 30 Dec 1996 07:19:14 PM CST