CCBC-Net Archives


From: Dr. Ruth Gordon <druthgo>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 19:18:28 -0800

Fellow CCBC-Netters: I have, once again, done IT: made new titles for two books. Perhaps I am feeling more like an alien than ever before now that my beloved Golden State (hmmmph) has passed Prop. 209. The McKay books are not entitled anything about 'aliens.' They are: "The Exiles" and
"The Exiles at Home." Since I am 100% right 2% of the time, I am allowed error--and insist on it.

McKay: The Exiles and The Exiles at Home.

 ever correct Big Grandma
==========="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty."--Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Mon 09 Dec 1996 09:18:28 PM CST