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Narrative in children's science books

From: Caroline Parr <cparr>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 96 10:00:57 EST

I echo Jane Kurtz's concern with storytelling in science books. I have just read Joanna Cole's new autobiography, "On the bus with Joanna Cole," published by Heinemann this year (I think it's not in front of me!). She has a marvelous passage describing how she does research for her books, and she makes the same exact point: informational books are not just a collection of facts, but a coherent story about something. She makes this point in relation to writing reports as well, not bad advice for all the homework sufferers out there.
Caroline S. Parr (cparr at
Coordinator of Children's Services
Central Rappahannock Regional Library
1201 Caroline St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401
phone: 540/37260     fax: 540/373?11
Received on Wed 13 Nov 1996 09:00:57 AM CST