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From: KATIE ODELL JONES <kmadison>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 11:12:32 -0700 (MST)

I was delighted to see we will be discussing The Cuckoo's Child by Suzanne Freeman in September, not only because I very much enjoyed this thoughtfult work but also becuase it is one my library already owns. This will be the first time I will be able to participate in a book discussion of a new book!
 From my time working at the CCBC I know they recieve books on a much more timely basis than a large public library such as Tempe Public. Are any others on the list having a more difficult time getting the new fiction we discuss. I would like to see us continue discussing new fiction but like the option of waiting 6 months after the publishing date to give our acquisition system a chance to catch up. Thanks!

Kate O'Dell Madison Youth Services Librarian Tempe Public Library Tempe, AZ
Received on Mon 26 Aug 1996 01:12:32 PM CDT