CCBC-Net Archives

Children's books

From: StuAll at <StuAll>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 09:45:24 -0400

I am a interested in finding recommendations for "read aloud" books for fifth/sixth level students. I work clsodely with two other teachers and we find daily sessions where we read to the students rewarding. It seems more difficult to find good general interest stories that include humor as good stories to share. The studnet population is mostly rural and the stories with urban settings often assume a cultural leap that is difficult. Our goal is to have them increase attention span and to use their imagining and predicitive skills ( as well as listen to a good story) Henry Higgins is a little dated, and humor is the hardest forme to find. I have iften used _Me &Caleb_ an old standby by Meyer (?). I don't meanto usurp the agenda for the ccbc but if there are any recommendations we'll be glad to try them out. thanks stuall
Received on Mon 19 Aug 1996 08:45:24 AM CDT