CCBC-Net Archives

Sept. & Oct.

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 14:45:00 -0600

Thank you for all of your input about the nature of CCBC-NET. We know you are "out there," and we always want more members of the CCBC-NET community to participate directly. We're certain that you are gratified, as we are, that so many people care so much about children and young teenagers and the books available for them to see, hear, and read. We're gratified that you care about CCBC-NET.
     During the past 13 months, we've learned a lot about contributing to discussions when all are not in the same physical space: no body language or other visual clues upon which to rely or the usual ways to offer invitations to all contribute directly. We are continuing to learn, and we know everyone else is also learning new skills for doing this in a "virtual" discussion group.
     We realize that many of you are participating without contributing directly. You are active participants whenever you think about what has been "said" on CCBC-NET. Some of you are active participants by having conversations with others as a result of a CCBC-NET discussion, about what you decided to teach or write, about how you share the CCBC-NET discussions with colleagues, friends and family members. You tell us about this individually.
    You also have been telling us what you appreciate about CCBC-NET and what you wish might be improved and/or changed, and many of you have been doing this all year long. The comment that we've heard most frequently all year (either by direct e-mail or phone or letter or comment in-person when we meet you across the continent) is that CCBC-NET is unique and valued because it is "substantial" and because it is "quiet." What is substantial for one may not be substantial for another, but we do know what you mean by "quiet" - you mean that CCBC-NET (until this past month) is not a "busy" listserv. Many, many of you have told us all year that you appreciate the unique, substantial, quiet nature of CCBC-NET. And quite a few have used the word "civil" when you describe CCBC-NET to us, as well. Good words: substantial, quiet, civil. Important words.
     Is this contradictory to what I wrote earlier about wanting to encourage all to participate directly? I think not. What you mean when you say this is that you prefer CCBC-NET not to replicate other listserv discussions on which people ask for suggestions and everyone receives everyone's suggestion. We thank each and every one of you for your candid feedback. We'll schedule a feedback time later this calendar year, so you can all participate in that way, again.
     Because of an overwhelming number of one-to-one messages about this all year and this month as well, CCBC-NET will continue to be a focused discussion group with pre-announced discussion topics. Yes, we will announce the forthcoming discussions in advance. I apologize for not maintaining our good intentions to do this - and we were doing this until about six months ago. We will do this again.
(Remember: Cuckoo's Child by Susan Freeman for Sept. See next message, as well.)
     Yes, I did read the accumulation of August messages after being in New England for a week and then on vacation this month. What terrific comments you made about picture books!
     I understand that those of you who want lists of books to be compiled on CCBC-NET care about kids and the books you might be able to put into their hands on a professional or personal level. My colleagues Megan and I realize that you want suggestions from this community. We understand that this is a compliment to the expertise of all in the CCBC-NET community. Kathleen Horning sent information for everyone recently about other listserv discussions providing this service. We encourage you to subscribe to those listservs for on-going list-making.
     If you have a pressing information need about books that has not been responded to in other ways (a visit to your public library, uses of other listservs, etc.), certainly you may ask your question on CCBC-NET. In order not to change the substantial, not-too-busy nature of CCBC-NET, we suggest two things. Always include: 1) your name and e-mail address; and 2) a comment saying that you want people to respond to you directly. Anyone wanting an accumulation of titles from someone who requests information them must ask that person for them. Everyone does not have the technical capacity to "read" the address of someone sending a message. Please do this.
     Some of you have made some other terrific suggestions for CCBC-NET, and we are thinking very hard about implementing some of them. Stay tuned!
     Thank you, once again, for your goodwill during technical glitsches. Though we've had very few, we had a zinger recently, and you were kind about this. Many of you have commented on how well managed CCBC-NET is on a technical level compared to other listservs. This is praise due to our wonderful colleague Christopher Dowling.
     Thank you for your super comments to all about everything. Most of all, thank you for caring so much about books for the children and young teenagers in your work lives and personal lives. They are greatly blessed, as a result of your commitment. Sincerely, Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at
Received on Fri 30 Aug 1996 03:45:00 PM CDT