CCBC-Net Archives

Request for Titles

From: Judy O'Malley /General Pub. 4th Floor <jomalley>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 09:01:49 EST

Yes, like Gretchen, Rudine, and Melody, I've found CCBC-Net offers a depth of discussion, and a progression of thought that's rarely possible on lists that have many threads going at once, several of which are usually to assembling titles for a particular theme or unit. In addition to new levels of insight through discussion, I've also been gratified that this list has maintained a high quality of discourse. respect, and civility, often sadly lacking on other lists.

I appreciated Megan Schliesman's suggestion that those responding to requeests for titles do so in private messages, which both provides those with common concerns with opportunities new collegial relationships. and maintains the purpose of this list.

Judy O'Malley Associate Editor H.W. Wilson Company Bronx, NY
Received on Fri 23 Aug 1996 09:01:49 AM CDT