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Children's books
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From: Barbara Goldenhersh <bgolden>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 11:12:19 -0500
I found young children were fascinated by books which allowed them to participate in the story. What child does not like to repeat "It was going to be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day" or "Koals Lou, I do love you". (_Alexander and the Terrible ..._ by Judith Viorst and _Koala Lou_ by Mem Fox).
Participation also comes in the form of discussion. I remember a fascinating discussion with a group of four-year-olds after reading _Hurry Home, Grandma_. We spent a long time determining what we would do with the monkeys Grandma brought the children for Christmas. Using higher order skills always seems to inspire children to participate in story times. My students also enjoyed Patricia Polacco. You don't have to be afraid of thunder after hearing _Thunder Cakes_.
_Kissing Hands_ offers a strong emotionally calming aura as the child brings Mom to preschool through a kiss on the hand. And children seem to love the old Sesame Street book _There's a Monster at the End of This Book_. I think the interest comes from the humor.
That is all I can think of at the moment but I will continue to think about this topic and add more.
"The boughs of no two trees ever have the same arrangement. Nature always produces 'individuals'. She never produces 'classes'".
--- Lydia Maria Child
Barbara Goldenhersh, PhD bgolden at 313 Warrensburg Drive Belleville, IL 62223 618/235q13
__ _-==-=_,-.
/--`' \__at_~@.--< The wonderful thing about Tiggers
`--'\ \ <___/. Is Tiggers are wonderful things.
\ \\ " / Their tops are made out of rubber
____ /= | \_/ They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
_' `\ _/=== \__/ Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
`___/ //\./=/~\====\ But the best thing about Tiggers is
\ // / | ===| I'm the only one!
| ._/_,__|_ ==| __
\/ \\ \\`=-| / \\
| _ \\| /==|-\
`.__' `-____/ |--|==|
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<=== \ / ====\ \\/
_`-- \/ === \/--'
| \ ==== |
-`------/`--' /
Received on Fri 09 Aug 1996 11:12:19 AM CDT
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 11:12:19 -0500
I found young children were fascinated by books which allowed them to participate in the story. What child does not like to repeat "It was going to be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day" or "Koals Lou, I do love you". (_Alexander and the Terrible ..._ by Judith Viorst and _Koala Lou_ by Mem Fox).
Participation also comes in the form of discussion. I remember a fascinating discussion with a group of four-year-olds after reading _Hurry Home, Grandma_. We spent a long time determining what we would do with the monkeys Grandma brought the children for Christmas. Using higher order skills always seems to inspire children to participate in story times. My students also enjoyed Patricia Polacco. You don't have to be afraid of thunder after hearing _Thunder Cakes_.
_Kissing Hands_ offers a strong emotionally calming aura as the child brings Mom to preschool through a kiss on the hand. And children seem to love the old Sesame Street book _There's a Monster at the End of This Book_. I think the interest comes from the humor.
That is all I can think of at the moment but I will continue to think about this topic and add more.
"The boughs of no two trees ever have the same arrangement. Nature always produces 'individuals'. She never produces 'classes'".
--- Lydia Maria Child
Barbara Goldenhersh, PhD bgolden at 313 Warrensburg Drive Belleville, IL 62223 618/235q13
__ _-==-=_,-.
/--`' \__at_~@.--< The wonderful thing about Tiggers
`--'\ \ <___/. Is Tiggers are wonderful things.
\ \\ " / Their tops are made out of rubber
____ /= | \_/ They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
_' `\ _/=== \__/ Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
`___/ //\./=/~\====\ But the best thing about Tiggers is
\ // / | ===| I'm the only one!
| ._/_,__|_ ==| __
\/ \\ \\`=-| / \\
| _ \\| /==|-\
`.__' `-____/ |--|==|
\ \ ===\ |==|`-'
_> \ ===\ /==/
/==\ | ===\__/--/
<=== \ / ====\ \\/
_`-- \/ === \/--'
| \ ==== |
-`------/`--' /
Received on Fri 09 Aug 1996 11:12:19 AM CDT